Hope and Faith Studies

Hope and Faith Studies

  Here are two new studies. CLICK TO READ OR DOWNLOAD Hope Bible Verses The first study in a simple list of important Bible verses containing the word “hope” in the English King James Version of the Bible (KJV) and the Russian Synodal Translation...
Why Contemplative Life?

Why Contemplative Life?

The primary reason to begin contemplative life in the stillness of your home is because the world constantly works to separate you from Jesus by covering and clouding your nous — that “highest part of the human creature, [the] contemplative faculty by which man...
How to Contact Me

How to Contact Me

Contact me about this website or contemplative life.  Send an email to stillnessathome@gmail.com On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays I am like the man on the left. On Saturdays like the second from the left, On Sundays like the third from the left. On Talkative...
John: Site Owner

John: Site Owner

In this post I give a brief biography and my beliefs so you know the world view behind every post. I also give a disclaimer you should always keep in mind. BIOGRAPHY I am a grandfather, self-employed consultant, widower, and withdrawn from the world. My days and...