Table of Contents — Categories

Outline and List of Contemplative Life Topics

Here is an outline and list of the major contemplative life topics pertaining to beginning a new life in Jesus Christ and following his call to holiness. 

Contemplative life is simple.  You do not need special skills. If you have the desire for God, you don’t need an extensive body of knowledge.  You can live contemplative life without advanced education. You need to realize contemplative life conflicts with western, rational, materialist culture in nearly every area of human activity.  Rather than needing to add something to your life, most likely you need to free yourself from the fallen world and to recover the image of God within.  


1. Contemplative Life for all Christians — Defined

2. Why Live a Contemplative Life in Stillness at Home?

3. Three Difficult Requirements

4. Contemplative Life Terminology

5. Contemplative Practices — Its Essence

5.1 Slow and Easy

5.2 Declutter Distractions and Restore Stillness at Home

5.3 Flee the Fallen World

5.4 Purification, Illumination, Deification

5.5 Purity of Heart

5.6 Pray Without Ceasing

5.7 Pure Prayer/Theoria

5.8 Lectio Divina

5.9 Daily Service/Divine Office

5.10 Night Vigils

5.11 Reading

5.12 Fasting

5.13 Virtues for Contemplative Life

5.14 Monastic Practice Enlightens the Home

5.15 Time

5.16 Prayer Corners & More

6. Your State in Life — Roadblocks or Straight Paths to Contemplative Life?

6.1 Singles and Contemplative Life

6.2 Marriage and Contemplative Life

6.3 Children and Contemplative Life

6.4 Extended Family and Contemplative Life

6.5 Work and Contemplative Life

7. Your Home Library

7.1 Books for Your Home Library

7.2 Book Reviews & Excerpts

7.3 Library of Links (Video & More)

8. Tradition

9. Desert Fathers & Mothers

10. Holy Church Fathers

11. Saints to Venerate through the Year

12. General Biblical & History Posts

13. What You Should Know — For Doubting Christians

14. FAQs Frequently Asked Questions

15. Glossary

16. About this Website

17. Contact Me